
So if you are looking for local teachers in your area, this is the place to stop by and look.  If we haven’t covered your city yet, please drop us a line and we will get back to you as soon as possible.  We update this list once a week, so we would be getting around to your city eventually.  But if you would like us to priorities on a particular city, please let us know so that we can put that on top of the list as soon as we can.

Edmonton Alberta [Updated 2016/01/07]

Name of Teacher Email Contact Info Website
Jody Butt  info@musicasacra.ca n/a http://www.musicasacra.ca/
Cherie Larson admin@ste-suzukistrings.org 780-469-7382  http://ste-suzukistrings.org/
Thomas Wm Schoen  thomas.violinplayer@gmail.com 780-910-4610  http://www.augustana.ualberta.ca/
Maren K. Elliott elliott.maren@gmail.com 780-436-9118 http://www.marenelliott.com/
Adam Pappas inquiries@adampappas.com n/a http://www.adampappas.com
David Mitchell mitchellmusic@shaw.ca 780-996-6873  http://ste-suzukistrings.org/
Bonnie Gregory begregory@shaw.ca n/a n/a
Leanne Maitland leannemaitland@gmail.com n/a  www.leannemaitland.com
David Mitchell  mitchellmusic@shaw.ca  780-996-6873  ste-suzukistrings.org